Our founders

a man smoking a cigarette in front of a brick building


At 52 years old, he bore the weight of a turbulent past that had led him down a dark path. Ten years spent behind bars, (lif on installment plan, all due to his involvement with drugs, had left him hardened but not broken.

Rollin found solace in the Lord fifteen years ago, seeking redemption and a chance to turn his life around. However, his struggle to fully reconcile his faith with his past choices lingered like a shadow over his newfound beliefs. Marijuana, once a source of his downfall, now stood at the center of his moral dilemma. It was illegal when he first found his faith, and breaking the law felt like a betrayal of his newfound convictions.

But times had changed. Marijuana was now legal in Delaware and Rollin saw this as a sign—a sign that perhaps his past sins could be forgiven, that he could finally shed the weight of guilt that had plagued him for so long. If the law no longer deemed it wrong, could it truly be a sin in the eyes of the Lord?

With a newfound sense of purpose, Rollin envisioned a different path for himself and others like him. He believed that by coming together, they could build something greater than themselves—a church that not only supported the community but also provided a safe haven for those seeking redemption and a fresh start.

Rollin's vision was clear: a church that offered support systems, group sessions, and classes to help individuals like him navigate the complexities of their past and embrace a brighter future. He knew the journey would be challenging, but he also believed in the power of community and shared experiences to heal wounds and mend broken spirits.



a woman is taking a selfie in a car

It was March 2020 my first child was born July, the year before the first time in my life, I found myself home every single day being a stay at home mom , the life I always dreamt of. My daughter‘s father was what I thought was a recovering addict, but he had never stopped to begin with. I caught him one day smoking crack in our bathroom. It took two hits for me to become addicted to crack cocaine and that same month the first stimulus check had hit for the coronavirus. Being a stay at home mom during the coronavirus, I became addicted to drugs, crack cocaine and heroin and fentanyl. I had lost my daughter, my family my house, my car, my license, my health, I had lost myself. For three years that was my life. That’s all it took, 3 short shots years…It took me losing every single thing to finally ask for help. On April 19th, 2023, I called my Dad and he came.

That was almost a year ago. During this past year, one thing that has helped me for then anything is Marijuana. For the last 10 years marijuana has been In my life.

When I was 26 years old, I found myself divorced a year after the wedding. Marijuana came into my life and got me through every day of that divorce and days and years after that. It wasn’t until my battle with hard drugs came to an end, and I was in need of some type of outlet spiritually emotionally and physically and again I turned to marijuana. In the last 11 months, with the help of marijuana I was able to stop doing hard drugs, I have been able to come off methadone, I was also able to stop all psych medication‘s, and marijuana has again brought me to become a functional adult with responsibilities. Marijuana keeps me motivated happy and alive without it, I am not sure where my life would be right now.

I met Rollin during my addiction, when he walked straight up to me the first time he seen me and confessed his love for me. Fast forward over a year later, he walked back into my life and permanently stayed October 29, 2023. From day 1 I was told I had to wait to date until I was clean for a whole year. I was Six months clean when Rollin and I began dating. And again we were told it’s too soon Rolin was told that I wasn’t ready , that I wasn’t ready to be loved. Little did anybody know that it was too late for any of that , we were already 100% head over heels in love. It was during these days that I spent with him every single day that I realized he was my number one supporter in my recovery. He has gone down this road not once not twice I’m not even sure how many times but I know that he knows what he’s doing and what he’s talking about .I know any advice that I would ask him, He won’t only give me that advice, but he will give me the 100% naked truth because that is all you will ever get from Rollin, and that is the one thing I love about that man. Rollins support, love, loyalty and dedication to me and to our future is what keeps me going in that straight direction. I know that us together can and will achieve great things.

a man and woman sitting on a bench in a park